The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast Jana Milbocker on FREE shipping on qualifying offers The Garden Tourist is a specialty travel book aimed at weekend gardeners professional landscape designers and vacation travelers The 256page book profiles 120 botanical gardens The Garden Tourist — Enchanted Gardens The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast By Jana Milbocker Whether youre a weekend gardener landscape professional or vacation traveler you will enjoy discovering new gardens in The Garden Tourist From gardens of natural splendor whimsical sculptures or historic formality The Garden Tourist will guide you on an inspiring trip The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast Kindle edition by Jana Milbocker Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries by Jana Milbocker 612 x 9 softcover 256 pages 665 color photographs A travel guide for weekend gardeners landscape professionals and vacation travelers Covers 120 gardens and nurseries in New England Hudson River Valley in New York eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey 256 The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries by Jana Milbocker December 9 2017 Looking for the perfect holiday gift for the gardener on your list Join Jana Milbocker Holliston resident and garden designer at Jasper Hill Bistro and Cafe on Wednesday December 13 79 pm to celebrate the release of her new book The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast Event Registration Form The Garden Tourist 120 The Garden Tourist features 120 botanical gardens historic estates and destination nurseries in New England Hudson River Valley in New York eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey The books is richly illustrated with 665 color photos view a selection of some of the best in tonights talk The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries She lectures on a variety of gardening topics and has presented at the Boston and Connecticut Flower Shows Massachusetts Horticultural Society and at many garden clubs and organizations Jana is the owner of Enchanted Garden a landscape design and installation firm in MA SNOW DATE Tuesday May 21 The garden tourist 120 destination gardens and nurseries The Northeast has a wealth of gardens and nurseries The Garden Tourist highlights 120 of the most outstanding options Visit 120 botanical gardens historic estates and destination nurseries in Maine Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Hudson River Valley in New York eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast Author Jana Milbocker will discuss her new book The Garden Tourist 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast About The Book A travel guide for weekend gardeners landscape The Garden Tourist CAROLYNS SHADE GARDENS Carolyn’s Shade Gardens has been selected as one of the 120 must visit destination gardens and nurseries in the Northeast United States in the wonderful guidebook The Garden Tourist by Jana Milbocker This book is a great resource for those of us who love to visit gardens as it covers Maine through Pennsylvania with detailed information on each entry including photos suggested daily
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Category: Book
ISBN: 0998833509
Release Date: 2018-01-01
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Rating: 5.0